Thimphu TechPark

Mon to Fri (9AM - 5PM)

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Research and Development


SLUGME (Solid Works Largest User Group Meeting Ever) is an annual event that brings together the SOLIDWORKS user group network, providing a platform for enthusiasts and professionals to explore innovative projects and collaborate on cutting-edge design and fabrication concepts. This year, SLUGME-8 will feature a presentation on the “Design and Fabrication of a Vortex Turbine,” focusing on pico hydroelectric power generation.SLUGME serves as a global forum where SOLIDWORKS users, designers, and engineers from around the world converge in collaboration with the Fab Foundation and Dassault Systems to learn and share their expertise in various fields. The event is renowned for showcasing the most creative and forward-thinking projects. This year, the JNW Super Fab Lab’s idea on the “ Design and Fabrication of Vortex Turbine” has been selected as one of the featured projects, and it is scheduled to take place on October 26, 2023.The Vortex Turbine ProjectCompetition and SelectionThe Vortex Turbine was initially conceived as part of an open competition organized by the Fab Foundation. The competition sought innovative ideas for designing small-scale hydroelectric turbines that could harness the energy of flowing water through the vortex principle, particularly suitable for pico hydro application.Out of numerous submissions, five standout ideas for different ideas were selected where one was the design of the Vortex Turbine which was selected for further development. These ideas were considered both innovative and feasible for practical implementation. These concepts were chosen to be featured at SLUGME-8, a testament to their potential significance in renewable energy. Design and SimulationThe core of the Vortex Turbine with the casing project is the design and simulation process, which was meticulously undertaken using SOLIDWORKS software. SOLIDWORKS provided a powerful platform for engineers and designers to create a detailed and efficient turbine design based on the vortex principle. The software allowed for accurate modeling, simulation, and optimization of the turbine, ensuring it met the requirements for pico hydro applications.   

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Makers Program

This program will be co-created with educators, hackers and makers, and stakeholders with the aim of incorporating digital fabrication in education system.This program will focus on developing interest in STEM and providing students with an applied learning platform to enable further exploration of interests and knowledge.Some of the Makers Programs in ideation are: Programming Electronic design and fabrication Design thinking and creating Prototyping Digital Fabrication Use of machine and Machining programs

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Research and Development

Fab In a Box Project

Design and manufacture a multifunctional machine with the minimum functionality of CNC Milling, Fused Deposition Extrusion and CNC cutting.The machine will be easily manufactured in the SFL with almost 80% of the hardware parts and all the electronics boards made in SFL making the machines cost-efficient..

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Research and Development

Modular Drone Assembly

Design and manufacture modular drones using the Super Fab Lab, which includes the primary module, a “functional voxel” that handles mechanical, electrical, and power routing, as well as the secondary modules (rotor, power, and controller voxels).

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Research and Development

Folded Fixed Wing Drone

The foldable fixed-wing drone will be designed from a simple 2D plan, upon which the 3D model can be developed and the electronics can be mounted upon. The drone will have longer ranges of flights and therefore this drone will be able to assist the country in logistics and delivery services, focusing on delivering urgently required medical equipment along with essentials to the remote and hard to access parts of the country.

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Research and Development

Motors and Drive

Design a switched reluctance motor and fabricate it in the Super Fablab. The team will begin by working on dynamometers as it is necessary to create speed torque efficiency curves in order to gain a real understanding of a motor's strengths and weaknesses.

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Research and Development

Plastic Waste to Filaments

The goal of this project is to design a machine that will process plastic waste material such as PET bottles and caps into something useful such as filament for 3D printing or plastic pellets that can be utilized in other industries.

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Research and Development

Biomaterials in Manufacturing

The goal of this project is to create a recipe using the most ubiquitous biowastes in the lab and the city. The resulting biomaterial will be used in manufacturing and 3D printing.

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Research and Development

Antenna and radio for regional data network

To test communication technologies in the rugged and steep terrain of Bhutan, an antenna will be designed, fabricated, and test electronic circuits using various communication technologies (e,g LoRa, Xbee, etc.)


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